Quality and Environment

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The focus on quality, on continuously improving the global performance and the intention to satisfy the needs and expectations of the Clients and increase their satisfaction, led EPOS to invest in the implementation and certification of Quality Management Systems in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, as a factor of strengthening and sustainability of the business, contributing to the economic pillar, which in turn allows it to have the capacity and means for other sustainability initiatives.


The management of environmental aspects at EPOS incorporates specific processes that minimize the main environmental impacts and contribute to Sustainable Development.

The transversal principles of EPOS employees’ performance in relation to the environment, which are enshrined in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, materialize through the adoption of an Environmental Management System, which allows an effective management of environmental risks and contributes to the Company’s objectives.

ISO 14001 is a world reference for environmental management systems, in which EPOS supports its practices with a view to the continuous improvement of its environmental performance, incorporating specific processes to identify and manage the main environmental risks.

EPOS - Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterrâneas, S.A.