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In the early 1980s,’ there was no construction company in the Portuguese market with expertise and experience, dedicated to the execution of large contracts jobs for underground works.
The competencies acquired during the first half of the twentieth century during the construction of various road and railway tunnels, as well as of important hydraulic circuits, had been dissipated over two decades of complete inactivity in this specialty.
It was in this context that, in 1981, the then named “Empresa de Sondagens e Fundações Teixeira Duarte, Lda.” formed a partnership with the Spanish company “Obras Subterráneas, S.A.”, aiming at the construction of the extraction shaft of the Neves – Corvo mine.

From this association resulted, in 1986, the creation of “EPOS – EMPRESA PORTUGUESA DE OBRAS SUBTERRÂNEAS, LDA.”, consolidating in the form of a regular company the previously existing connection between the two founding partners, as an ACE (Joint-venture).
The corporate structure of EPOS kept unchanged until 2008, remaining until then, “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” and “Obras Subterráneas, SA” the only holders of its capital stock. That year was marked by the withdrawal of the Spanish partner, being the company converted into a public limited liability company and becoming 100 % integrated into the Teixeira Duarte Group.
From these two companies, EPOS received, since its very beginning, a culture and knowledge inheritance which enabled it to position itself independently as a specialist contractor in its field.

The month of May 2004 marked the beginning of the internationalization of the company’s activity in the Spanish market with the signing of a major mining contract, followed by the awarding of three projects in hydroelectric power plants.
With an experience of over 30 years, EPOS today presents work done in Portugal, Spain, Angola, Algeria and Venezuela, and is also present in Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Pakistan.
It has an excellent and qualified team of professionals which, combined with modern technological means and vast experience, makes out of EPOS a recognized reference in today’s market.
Among its main achievements, it is worth highlighting a continuous presence – of three decades – in contract jobs concerning mining development. In this sector, EPOS dug hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, in addition to executing other important works, with emphasis on the construction of a mining pit, 630 meters deep.
Its “portfolio” also includes the construction of the most important road and railway tunnels carried out in Portugal. EPOS is also present in the field of hydraulic underground works through multiple interventions in projects of hydraulic and hydroelectric developments.
The diversity of works undertaken throughout its existence led to the creation of complementary business areas, able to serve the Company’s own production and to meet other demands of the market.