Civil Engineering
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civil engineering
In terms of civil engineering works, EPOS operates in all areas that require the component of underground works, both in tunnels and in other types of infrastructure.
Its resume includes numerous interventions in Portugal, Spain, Algeria, and Venezuela in the fields of road, railway, hydraulics, and hydroelectric works.
Although its core activity is the construction of underground works, EPOS also performs the other components of the engineering projects associated with it.

EPOS has carried out various tunnel works integrated into the national railway network, as well as into the metro networks of the cities of Lisbon and Porto.
With a presence in the Portuguese, Algerian and Peruvian markets, its operations in this area focus on the excavation and lining of tunnels and shafts.

A EPOS tem tido uma importante intervenção na ampliação e modernização da rede rodoviária nacional, tanto em Portugal continental como na Região Autónoma da Madeira sendo responsável por uma parte significativa dos túneis construídos desde a década de 1990.
Nesta área, a EPOS está capacitada para intervir nas diferentes fases da obra, de acordo com as necessidades específicas de cada empreitada.
A sua intervenção pode incluir o projeto, a escavação e revestimento em betão dos túneis, alargando-se às instalações especiais de iluminação, de ventilação, dos sistemas de deteção de incêndio e pelo controlo de segurança, até aos trabalhos de acabamento, incluindo a pavimentação e a operação integrada dos sistemas instalados.
Nesta área a EPOS conta com presenças em Portugal e na Venezuela.

EPOS also marks its presence in this field, through the construction of tunnels and other underground works, integrated in important hydroelectric projects, with work carried out in Portugal and Spain.
Its action is also extended to hydraulic systems for the supply and storage of water on a large scale, or to smaller works, such as those relating to urban sanitation.